Hong-ju Park

1995 DDS Degree, College of Dentistry, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea
2002 PhD Degree, Chonnam National University Graduate School, Gwangju, Korea
2010 Clinical fellowship, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Freiburg University, Germany
2011 Visiting Professor, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas
2017 Clinical fellowship, Boston Children’s Hospital
2018 Director of Chonnam National University Dental Hospital Present
Present Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, Chonnam National University, Gwangju Korea Director of scientific affair, KAOMS Executive committee member, ACOMS

Tempomandibular Joint Replacement with Ready Made Artificial Joint Through Preauricular and Transoral Approach in Various Cases

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a unique synovial joint which can glide as well as rotation. TMJ may destruct by resorption or ankylose due to various reasons, such as inflammation, infection, tumors, or trauma. TMJ can be reconstructed with various methods, such as costochondral or free bone graft, free microvascular bone graft, and artificial joint. Bio-innert material is stable and maintained constantly during the function after surgery. There are two types of artificial joint. One is ready-made and the other is customized 3-D printed artificial joint. The approach for the total TMJ replacement needs two different regions. Preauricular approach for the installation of fossa element, and submandibular approach for the adjustment of the mandibular ramus and installation of condylar element. These apporachs will make a facial scar, and the scar will be prominent in bilateral case. Endaural approach will dramatically decrease visible scar on preauricular area. Intraoral approach rather than submandibular approach will not make a facial scar. So endaural approach combine with transoral approach will ramain facial scar minimally. Ankylosis : Arthroplasty have been used to treat TMJ ankylosis successfully. However, TMJ ankylosis after trauma like the fracture of the mandibular condyle may be reccured after arthroplasty repeatedly. Total joint replacement of the TMJ or artificial mandibular fossa can be used to treat the re-ankylosis of the TMJ after arthoplasty. Condylar resorption : Occlusion and facial profile are changed gradually as the resorption of the mandibular condyle progressively. Condylar resorption may be starting with degenerative arthritis or idiopathic condylar resorption. Most kinds of condylar resorption may be treated with total joint replacement even at early stage of the resorption. Early intervention can reduce discomfort and functional impairment. In this presentation, total TMJ replacement via endaural and transoral approach will discuss in various cases with a review of literature.